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©Kunz & Kunz, Reflexions, Summer/Fall, 1996

Distribution of Grant Money from the O. A. M.

Research Centers to direct funding

The National Institute of Health Office of Alternative Medicine has designated ten "OAM Alternative Medicine Research Centers" around the country. The ten centers will dispense almost $10 million in grant money to study alternative approaches to medical problems.
"These centers are designed to efficiently evaluate promising alternative medical practices by establishing mechanisms for researchers to have their research ideas reviewed, developed and executed in a scientifically rigorous manner, stated Wayne B. Jonas, Director of the OAM." (NIH News)

Guidelines for application

Each of the ten centers operates independently with guidelines for grant application established by each. The dispersal of grant money is an on-going process at most of the centers.

A review of the Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation guidelines for technique description includes a list of ten items:
1. Name of technique or device
2. Brief description of procedure
3. Number and types of patients you have treated (adults/children, male/female)
4. Specific medical conditions of symptoms that you have treated.
5. Results of treatment
6. Availability of clinical patient records
7. Medical or spiritual model of how and why you believe your technique has an effect on the body.
8. Background literature
9. What you would like to do?
10. What would you like us to help you with?

Also requested is information about outcomes of application. How long will it take to achieve results? What functional outcome will result for the patient?

OAM Centers

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