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©Kunz & Kunz, Reflexions, Summer/Fall, 1996

Scientific Testing in Denmark

Investigations underway

The County of Funen in Denmark will be the site of two investigations into reflexology: "Reflexology and PMS" and "Reflexology and Children with Ear Problems."The island County of Funen (principle city Odense) and the Danish Institute for Clinical Epidemiology have each contributed DKK 600,000 (US$100,00) to fund the scientific study of 250 Danish children on Funen with inflammation of the middle ear during the next two years. "The aim of the project is to find out whether reflexology can help the very painful disorder as effectively as many therapists claim. "The investigation can be a breakthrough into the otherwise cautious approach of the hospital authorities toward so-called alternative therapies. "Last year reflexologists in the county of Funen treated approximately 200 children with the disorder." (FDZ Newsletter Denmark, No. 3, September, 1996

Forty-two reflexologists and 65 clients are involved in a project "Does reflexology have an effect on Premenstrual Syndrome." DKK 50,000 (US$8333) was granted to the local association on Funen. The project began in 1995 and is expected to be completed in 1997.

For information about the FDZ (Danish Reflexology Association), its research reprints, and its English language newsletter, write:
FDZ, Sekretariatet
Chr. Winthersveg 13
DK-6000 Kolding, Denmark
Phone: 45 75 50 12 50
FAX: 45 75 50 74 47

Previous Danish Research

As reported in Reflexions, (British) Association of Reflexologists: " Reflexology had been used to help the staff of the Scandinavian Airline's Cargo Department. They employ approximately 60 people and handle 2.4 million documents a year. Here is a statement made by the employees:
" 'Our work is done through computers and people spending many hours in a chair doing their work, resulting in aching shoulders and back. Since we employed our reflexologist we have experienced a substantial decrease of people being ill and away from work. The approximate amount is 20,000 Danish kroner a month (US$3,300). It has not only a physical effect, but also a psychological effect. There is a much better atmosphere in the department, because the employees feel there is something being done about their problems... Before we used to stay at home when ill, now we see the staff go to work anyway because they know they can get a treatment and feel better.'" (Reprinted from Reflexions (US), Vol. 14, No. 1, Spring/Summer, 1993, p. 4)

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